On December 8, 2008, two friends embarked on a pilgrimage to London’s famous Abbey Road Studios to spend a day recording two original songs. This mid-life creative endeavor, code named “Everest,” was a challenge between the two life-long Beatles fans to record in the same studio where their idols had created their amazing music.
After preparing for more than a year, Bob Martin and Tim Schwieger arrived at Studio Two. Having chosen vintage (and modern) instruments, several identical to those the Beatles used, they recorded using Abbey Road’s original microphones and electronic studio equipment used to capture that iconic Beatles sound.
Tim and Bob worked much like the Beatles did in the later 60’s – each had written a song and both recorded all the instrumental and vocal parts, using multitrack technology to build the performance of an entire band. Tim played bass and drums, Bob played guitars and each sang lead vocals on the song he wrote.
Mixing the music was done in Studio Three, which is the studio that Pink Floyd used to record “Dark Side of the Moon”. Just prior to moving to Studio Three, Giles Martin, son of The Beatles' famed producer George, dropped in and offered words of encouragement.
Tim sums up the experience:
“When I first walked up the stairs and into the Abbey Road building I almost passed out from the adrenaline rush. Then, while working in Studio Two I could literally feel the presence of the thousands of famous musicians who have recorded in the room. To be recording in the exact spot where The Beatles worked was “surreal” and I kept pinching myself to be sure this wasn’t a dream”.
Bob’s take:
“Being in Studio Two felt like being immersed in history. I swear I was seeing it in black and white for at least the first hour I was there. The thing that got me right away was the sound of the room. Even conversation has a familiar timbre that was recognizable from 40+ years of listening to recordings from that room. Once we started playing and singing, it was clear I was where I’d always wanted to record. I could have stayed there forever, never running out of ideas. I can’t wait to go back!”